Business & Investments
"Warren Buffet on Business. Principles from The Sage from Omaha" - W.Buffet, R.J. Connors
"The Intelligent Investor" - B. Graham
"Principles" - R. Dalio
"The changing Word Order" - R. Dalio
"Secrets of Sand Hill Road: Venture Capital and How to Get It" - S. Kupor
"Start With Why" - S. Sinek
"Zero to One" - P. Thiel, B. Masters
"Venture Deals" - B. Feld, J. Mendelson
"Damodaran on Valuation" - A. Damodaran
"Charlie Munger. The complete investor" - T. Griffin
"Warren Buffet and the interpretation of financial statements" - M.Buffet, D.Clark
Personal Development
"Start With Why" - S. Sinek
"The New Long Life" - A.J. Scott, L. Gratton
"Psychology of money" - M. Housel
"Greenlights" - M. McConaughey
"How to get Rich" - F.Denis
"Finding Ultra" - R.Roll
Technology & Science
"Superintelligence" - N. Bostrom
"Nikola Tesla. A forgotten Genius" - P.Shannon
"A Promised Land" - B. Obama
"Shoe Dog" - P. Knight
"Elon Musk" - V. Ashlee
In this section, you'll find a curated selection of recommended books and meaningful content designed to enrich your mind and find inspirations.